Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Picnic!

I was walking around my well-maintained kitchen earlier this evening (a kitchen that smells of the lilac scented soaps we humans love so well) and I thought "Boy, I am really, really hungry." I could tell that I was hungry because the inside of my skull itched like someone had poured angry bees into my ear. I'm sure you know the feeling. Anyway, I didn't have anything moist and delicious in my ice box, so I sauntered on down to the local grocery store where I work. One of my co-workers (we'll call her "Sally") happened to be out back stacking milk crates into nice orderly piles. She was, as always, happy to see me. I could tell she was happy because she squeaked in that delightful human way - a squeak that conveys delight and unexpected surprise! I made an off-hand remark about how hungry I was, and she said something like "I'll do anything..." I missed the rest, but I'm pretty sure she said "I'll do anything to help!" So I guided her by her spongy arm back into the the alley where I often eat my lunch. She brought some potatoes, popcorn, and jam for sandwiches and we had a delightful picnic there under the flickering streetlamp. I really like Sally. Her face is really quite lovely - hung there on the front of her fragile skull. Over the course of our delicious meal, she mentioned she might be going out of town soon. It would likely be a sudden, spur of the moment thing - taken in the dead of night. She also mentioned that she did not plan on telling our co-workers, and that they shouldn't be concerned if she suddenly disappeared. If she does decide to leave for a while, I suspect she'll return eventually. Vacations really take a lot of a person; so she'll probably be a little slow and clumsy when she gets back.

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